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Welcome - ScanGlide

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ScanGlide's history began in 2012 when they became aware of how harmful fluorocarbons in ski wax products are. They were in a waxing room where smoke from the application of powder products filled the room.

At that time, the focus on fluorinated waxes was not so great, but the founders of ScanGlide were convinced that it was not good for those working with ski waxing or for nature. At the same time, they heard rumors that many who worked with waxing skis did not feel so well after some time in a smoky waxing shed.

The challenge for ScanGlide was to build an environmentally friendly product that could compete with fluorine. Fluorine was undoubtedly what worked best, and despite its harmful effects, most people - both elite skiers and parents waxing their children's skis - chose to use it.

After two years of research, trial, and error, they came up with the formula they use in Nanoglider MT, CT, XCT, XR, and Topping. The result is fantastic! Many have tested these, and the response is unanimous; They notice no difference between wax from ScanGlide compared to other products that contain toxic fluorocarbons.

In 2017, ScanGlide felt completely convinced to launch their waxes even to the elite class. With ScanGlide's products, everyone who waxes skis experiences a new waxing routine.

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