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In order to get the best possible glide and grip, your skis should be cleaned at regular intervals and this is usually done if the lining has changed so that you need a different type of pad, if you pad with adhesive, if you are going to travel with the skis or at the season's final. Most of these occasions are quite natural, but what is sometimes forgotten is to clean the skis at the end of the season, which is very important to increase the life of the skis.

When cleaning your skis, you need good products. The right cleaning products make work a pleasure. Because there are so many different types of dykes, you usually need a few different cleaning products. An example of this is that you dry out the coating if you use cleaning products for adhesive wax on the sliding surface.

In our department the cattle shed we have instructional videos on cleaning skis.

Swix Base Cleaner – To remove clinging wax
Start Grip Tape Remover – To remove duct tape
Swix Glidwall cleaning  In order to most effectively and gently remove slipper
Skigo Fiberlene - is perfect for wiping away old wax, much more efficient than regular paper.
Skigo Saturation - For cleaning, saturation and storage of your skis.
Swix Skin Cleansing - To clean and maintain the skin of your ski.

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